To prioritize the well-being of every person by being Africa's foremost expert on public health supply chain matters, ensuring universal access to basic healthcare and medicines.
Shaping and implementing forward-thinking supply chain policies, partnering with governments and regional organizations to achieve universal health coverage and ensure a healthier future.

About Us
Africa Resource Centre (ARC)
Africa’s public health supply chain institution – is a continent-wide organisation that strengthens public health systems by providing independent, expert advisory and enablement services to African health ministries.
We facilitate engagement between governments, donors, implementing partners, local experts, the private sector, and academic partners to develop and roll out innovative solutions for public health systems in Africa. We also engage with regional communities and bodies to support the continental public health agenda.
We have a diverse and experienced team that works in over 12 African countries with regional offices located in South Africa, Senegal, and Kenya.
We facilitate engagement between governments, donors, implementing partners, local experts, the private sector, and academic partners to develop and roll out innovative solutions for public health systems in Africa. We also engage with regional communities and bodies to support the continental public health agenda.
We have a diverse and experienced team that works in over 12 African countries with regional offices located in South Africa, Senegal, and Kenya.
Our Approach
ARC aims to enable governments in Africa and their development partners to have resilient supply chain systems that underpin primary healthcare services, by :
Providing strategic advisory and technical expertise to strengthening supply chain policies and key functions for supply chain long term transformation.
Facilitating engagement between governments, donors and implementing partners with local experts, private sector, and academic partners to catalyse innovative solutions to Africa’s public health systems.
Engaging with regional communities and bodies to support the continental public health agenda on access to medicines and health products.
ARC believes ministries of health require a high degree of maturity to ensure sustainable supply chains. For this purpose, ARC developed the Supply Chain Sustainability Model framework (SCSM) based on 6 key supply chain elements, on which ARC's work is focused

A detailed and comprehensive document that outlines all coordinated actions by partners, major supply chain investments, and initiatives to achieve a country’s strategic objectives and…

A multi-disciplinary governance structure that ensures the alignment of all stakeholders and regular/ongoing coordination of supply chain investments and projects to improve the ministry of…

Updated and enhanced policies that enable the achievement of the supply chain strategy, guide all stakeholders in funding and implementation, and incorporate best practices through…
How does ARC support governments in Africa ?
Regional Engagement

ARC engaged with COMESA to support the economic community to set up a health desk. Additionally, COMESA asked ARC to include gender intentionality support to their work in policy making and programmes development to be included as part of the MoU...

ARC signed an MoU with WAHO for three years (renewable) with a focus on advocacy at regional level for policy reforms to enable long-term transformation of the public health supply chain...

Based on the MoU signed in 2021 between ARC and ACAME (the Association of 22 African Central Medical Stores), ARC has supported the organization in...

In 2022, ARC started its technical assistance and advisory to UNECA (embedded in the African Union) for the setting up of a Centralized Pooled Procurement Mechanism in 10 pilot countries.
Meet the team
ARC has an experienced, diverse team spread across several cities on the African continent. Our team knows what works in Africa because they have worked in Africa. ARC has an experienced, diverse team spread across several cities on the African continent. Our team knows what works in Africa because they have worked in Africa.